10 Foods to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Podcast Dr. Edenilson Brandl
Alzheimer's syndrome
10 Foods to Prevent Alzheimer's

10 Foods to Prevent Alzheimer’s

  1. Green leafy vegetables

Among the recommended foods for Alzheimer’s, the MIND diet recommends frequent servings of green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli and others that have vitamins A and C, in addition to other nutrients. At least two servings a week of these vegetables can help, and researchers have found that six or more servings a week of these foods provide greater benefits for the brain.

Both the Mediterranean diet and DASH do not specifically recommend these types of vegetables, but the MIND diet study found that including green leafy vegetables makes all the difference in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Other vegetables

As with many other diets that focus on weight loss or heart health, MIND emphasizes the importance of vegetables for brain health. Researchers recommend eating at least one salad and at least one other vegetable every day to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

  1. Whole grains

Whole grains are a key component of the Alzheimer’s food list, and researchers recommend at least three servings a day of this food.

  1. Red fruits

Berries are the only specific fruits recommended in this diet, especially blueberries. “Blueberries are one of the most potent foods for protecting the brain,” Morris said. She notes that strawberries have also shown benefits in previous studies of the effect of food on cognitive function. The MIND diet recommends eating berries at least twice a week.

  1. Fish

This study found that eating fish at least once a week helps protect brain function. However, there is no need to exaggerate. Unlike the Mediterranean diet, which recommends eating fish almost every day, the MIND diet says that once a week is enough.

  1. Wine

Among the foods that prevent Alzheimer’s is wine, and experts recommend a glass of this drink every day.

  1. Chestnuts

Chestnuts are a great snack choice for your overall health and brain health. According to this study, nuts contain healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants, and other studies have found that they can help reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. The MIND diet recommends eating nuts at least zinc times a week.

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the Alzheimer’s foods that has left all other forms of cooking oil and fats behind. The researchers found that people who used olive oil as their main oil had greater protection against cognitive decline.

  1. Beans

If beans aren’t a regular part of your diet, they should be. Rich in fiber and protein and low in calories and fat, they also help keep your mind sharp and are among the top foods to prevent Alzheimer’s. Researchers recommend eating beans three times a week to help reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

  1. Birds

Among the recommended foods for Alzheimer’s are poultry, which are part of a brain-healthy eating plan according to the MIND Diet study , which recommends two or more servings a week.

These are the 10 foods that prevent Alzheimer’s recommended by the experts who created the MIND diet ; however, as stated earlier, there is also a list of the food group you should avoid to reduce your risk of developing dementia. Are they:

Butter and margarine: Butter and margarine should be limited to no more than one tablespoon a day, and you can substitute them for olive oil, which as seen is a healthy brain food.
Sweets: You may already know that they are not so good for your waistline, however, they can also have a negative effect on your brain health. The MIND diet recommends limiting yourself to no more than five of these treats per week.
Red Meat: Red meat is not banned on the MIND diet, but researchers say you should limit consumption to no more than four servings per week to help protect brain health. This amount is greater than that indicated in the Mediterranean diet, which restricts red meat to just one serving a week.
Cheese: Cheese may be delicious, but it’s not brain-friendly, according to the MIND Diet Study . Eat cheese no more than once a week if you want to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.
Fried foods: Fried foods and fast food complete the list of unhealthy food groups on this diet. Limit frying to no more than once a week for optimal brain health.
Even if you “slip” the diet every now and then, researchers say it can still be beneficial, as even people who didn’t follow it to the letter reduced their chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease — and the longer you keep to the diet, the greater the benefits.

“People who eat this diet consistently over the years get better protection,” said lead author Martha Clare Morris. “You’ll be healthier if you’ve been doing the right thing longer.”

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